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Things to Consider When Selecting the Size of Your Pool Table

Things to Consider When Selecting the Size of Your Pool Table

Few things are as enjoyable as a pool table to have in your home. Before you get too eager and buy the biggest size table you can find, you need to make sure you’re getting the right one. To know whether your San Francisco home can accommodate a pool table, you first need to take the following factors into consideration:

Room Size

If you don’t stop and ask yourself if your pool table can fit into a particular room – well, you might not be ready to look into a pool table. Of course, that’s likely not the case for most people. Still, you don’t want to simply eyeball the size of a room and a pool table, as you’ll need to ensure there is adequate space to accommodate it.

So, before selecting a pool table, you need to take time to measure out the area of the room. Then, you’ll want to select a pool table that will still allow a few feet of space around it to allow you to shoot. This means that you shouldn’t choose a 9-foot table if your room can just accommodate it. In that case, your best bet would be an 8- or even a 7-foot choice.

Cue Size

Even the most casual pool players know that cue size makes all the difference. If you’re accustomed to a certain type of cue, then changing that up might be all but unthinkable to you. That’s why you need to keep your preferred cue size in mind when selecting your pool table.

If you want to be able to use the right size cue while also accommodating your friends’ cue preferences, you need to be sure to leave plenty of room around your pool table. So, you might have to opt for a smaller table size in order to accommodate in this way.


Friends don’t tend to come to your home with their own cues in the event that everyone feels like a game of pool. Most people expect the guy who owns a pool table to already have that on hand, which you certainly do. Of course, you don’t want your pool cues just lying about, do you? Certainly not.

No, you’ll want somewhere to store all of that: a rack or a cabinet. That’s another thing you need to consider when selecting the size of your pool table. Storage can take up quite a bit of space, and if you don’t take that space into consideration when shopping for new pool table, you could find yourself feeling a bit cramped and more than a bit frustrated down the line.

Call Our San Francisco Pool Table Company for Your Pool Table Needs

So, you’ve decided on a pool table size that works for you . . . Now how are you going to get your new pool table to your home? The solution is simple: Call The Pool Table Pros. Our San Francisco pool table company offers relocation services and any other work you need to get and maintain a beautiful pool table in your home.

Contact Us for a free quote

If you are looking for Pool Table Repairs, Accessories, Installation or Relocation services in the San Francisco Bay Area or the Central Valley of Northern California then please call 877-470-4859 or complete our online request form.